Keywords: Planning, Learning, Action Model Learning
Abstract: We address the problem of learning planning domains from plan traces that are obtained by observing the environment states through noisy sensors. In such situations, approaches that assume correct traces are not applicable. We tackle the problem by designing a probabilistic graphical model where preconditions and effects of every planning domain operators, and traces’ observations are modeled by random variables. Probabilistic inference conditioned by the observed traces allows our approach to derive a posterior probability of an atom being a precondition and/or an effect of an operator. Planning domains are obtained either by sampling or by applying the maximum a posteriori criterion. We compare our approach with a frequentist baseline and the currently available state-of-the-art approaches. We measure the performance of each method according to two criteria: reconstruction of the original planning domain and effectiveness in solving new planning problems of the same domain. Our experimental analysis shows that our approach learns action models that are more accurate w.r.t. state-of-the-art approaches, and strongly outperforms other approaches in generating models that are effective for solving new problems.
Primary Keywords: Learning
Category: Long
Student: No
Supplemtary Material: zip
Submission Number: 228