Domain Specific Question Answering Over Knowledge Graphs Using Logical Programming and Large Language Models

Published: 11 Dec 2023, Last Modified: 13 Dec 2023NuCLeaR 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: neuro-symbolic QA, logical programming, KGQA
Abstract: Answering questions over domain-specific graphs requires a tailored approach due to the limited number of relations and the specific nature of the domain. Our approach integrates classic logical programming languages into large language models (LLMs), enabling the utilization of logical reasoning capabilities to tackle the KGQA task. By representing the questions as Prolog queries, which are readable and near close to natural language in representation, we facilitate the generation of programmatically derived answers. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we evaluate it using a well-known benchmark dataset, MetaQA. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves accurate identification of correct answer entities for all test questions, given only a very small fraction of the training data. Overall, our work presents a promising approach to addressing question answering over domain-specific graphs, offering an explainable and robust solution by incorporating logical programming languages.
Submission Number: 1