Keywords: similarity search, approximate nearest neighbor search, high-dimensional space, graph index
TL;DR: A graph-based schema for ANNS
Abstract: The state-of-the-art approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) algorithm builds a large proximity graph on the dataset and performs a greedy beam search, which may bring many unnecessary explorations. We develop a novel framework, namely *corssing sparse proximity graph (CSPG)*, based on random partitioning of the dataset. It produces a smaller sparse proximity graph for each partition and routing vectors that bind all the partitions. An efficient two-staged approach is designed for exploring *CSPG*, with fast approaching and cross-partition expansion. We theoretically prove that *CSPG* can accelerate the existing graph-based ANNS algorithms by reducing unnecessary explorations. In addition, we conduct extensive experiments on benchmark datasets. The experimental results confirm that the existing graph-based methods can be significantly outperformed by incorporating *CSPG*, achieving 1.5x to 2x speedups of *QPS* in almost all recalls.
Primary Area: Other (please use sparingly, only use the keyword field for more details)
Submission Number: 6737