Understanding Representations Pretrained with Auxiliary Losses for Embodied Agent Planning

Published: 28 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 04 Dec 2023GenPlan'23EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Pretrained representations from large-scale vision models have boosted the performance of downstream embodied policy learning. We look to understand whether additional self-supervised pretraining on exploration trajectories can build on these general-purpose visual representations to better support embodied planning in realistic environments. We evaluated four common auxiliary losses in embodied AI, two hindsight-based losses, and a standard imitation learning loss, by pretraining the agent's visual compression module and state belief representations with each objective and using CLIP as a representative visual backbone. The learned representations are then frozen for downstream multi-step evaluation on two goal-directed tasks. Surprisingly, we find that imitation learning on these exploration trajectories out-performs all other auxiliary losses even despite the exploration trajectories being dissimilar from the downstream tasks. This suggests that imitation of exploration may be ''all you need'' for building powerful planning representations. Additionally, we find that popular auxiliary losses can benefit from simple modifications to improve their support for downstream planning ability.
Submission Number: 59