GraspSplats: Efficient Manipulation with 3D Feature Splatting

Published: 05 Sept 2024, Last Modified: 21 Oct 2024CoRL 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Zero-shot manipulation, Gaussian Splatting, Keypoint Tracking
Abstract: The ability for robots to perform efficient and zero-shot grasping of object parts is crucial for practical applications and is becoming prevalent with recent advances in Vision-Language Models (VLMs). To bridge the 2D-to-3D gap for representations to support such a capability, existing methods rely on neural fields (NeRFs) via differentiable rendering or point-based projection methods. However, we demonstrate that NeRFs are inappropriate for scene changes due to its implicitness and point-based methods are inaccurate for part localization without rendering-based optimization. To amend these issues, we propose GraspSplats. Using depth supervision and a novel reference feature computation method, GraspSplats can generate high-quality scene representations under 60 seconds. We further validate the advantages of Gaussian-based representation by showing that the explicit and optimized geometry in GraspSplats is sufficient to natively support (1) real-time grasp sampling and (2) dynamic and articulated object manipulation with point trackers. With extensive experiments on a Franka robot, we demonstrate that GraspSplats significantly outperforms existing methods under diverse task settings. In particular, GraspSplats outperforms NeRF-based methods like F3RM and LERF-TOGO, and 2D detection methods. The code will be released.
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Submission Number: 26