Last to Learn Bias: Analyzing and Mitigating a Shortcut in Question MatchingDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Recent studies report that even if deep neural models make correct predictions, models may be relying on shortcut rather than understanding the semantics of the text. Previous studies indicate that the shortcut deriving from the biased data distribution in training set makes spurious correlations between features and labels. In this paper, we focus on analyzing and mitigating the biased data distribution in question matching by exploring the model behavior and performance. In particular, we define bias-word as the shortcut, and explore the following questions: (1) Will the bias affect the model? (2) How does the bias affect the model's decision? Our analysis reveals that bias-words make significantly higher contributions to model predictions than random words, and the models tend to assign labels that are highly correlated to the bias-words. To mitigate the effects of shortcut, we propose a simple approach that learns no-bias-examples first but bias-examples last. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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