SO(2)-Equivariant Single-View 3D Reconstruction via Gaussian Sculpting Networks

Published: 01 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 11 Jul 2024GAS @ RSS 2024EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Gaussian Splatting, Single-View 3D Reconstruction, Robot Learning, Robot Manipulation
TL;DR: Fast single-view 3D reconstruction with Gaussian Splatting that enables manipulation on unseen geometry
Abstract: This paper introduces SO(2)-Equivariant Gaussian Sculpting Networks as an approach for SO(2)-Equivariant 3D object reconstruction from single-view image observations. Gaussian sculpting networks (GSNs) take a single observation as input to generate a Gaussian splat representation describing the observed object's geometry and texture. By using a shared feature extractor before decoding Gaussian colors, covariances, positions, and opacities, GSNs achieve extremely high throughput (>150FPS). Experiments demonstrate that GSNs can be trained efficiently using a multi-view rendering loss and are competitive, in quality, with expensive diffusion-based reconstruction algorithms. Moreover, we demonstrate the potential for GSNs to be used within a robotic manipulation pipeline for object-centric grasping.
Submission Number: 1