Neural Keyphrase Generation: Analysis and EvaluationDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Keyphrase generation aims at generating topical phrases from a given text either by copying from the original text (present keyphrases) or by producing new keyphrases (absent keyphrases) that capture the semantic meaning of the text. Encoder-decoder models are most widely used for this task because of their capabilities for absent keyphrase generation. However, there has been little to no analysis on the performance and behavior of such models for keyphrase generation. In this paper, we study various tendencies exhibited by two strong models: T5 (based on a pre-trained transformer) and ExHiRD (based on a recurrent neural network). We analyze prediction confidence scores, model calibration, and the effect of position on present keyphrases generation. Moreover, we motivate and propose a novel metric, SoftKeyScore, to evaluate the similarity between two sets of keyphrases by using soft-scores to account for partial matching and semantic similarity. We find that SoftKeyScore performs better than the standard F$_{1}$ metric for evaluating two sets of given keyphrases. We will release our code.
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