A Curriculum Perspective of Robust Loss FunctionsDownload PDF

16 May 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)NeurIPS 2022 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Learning with noisy labels is a fundamental problem in machine learning. A large body of work aims to design loss functions robust against label noise. However, it remain open questions why robust loss functions can underfit and why loss functions deviating from theoretical robustness conditions can appear robust. To tackle these questions, we show that a broad array of loss functions differs only in the implicit sample-weighting curriculums they induce. We then adopt the resulting curriculum perspective to analyze how robust losses interact with various training dynamics, which helps elucidate the above questions. Based on our findings, we propose simple fixes to make robust losses that severely underfit competitive to state-of-the-art losses. Notably, our novel curriculum perspective complements the common theoretical approaches focusing on bounding the risk minimizers.
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