A Comparison of Strategies for Source-Free Domain AdaptationDownload PDF


17 Aug 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 August Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Data sharing restrictions are common in NLP, especially in the clinical domain, but there is limited research on adapting models to new domains without access to the original training data, a setting known as source-free domain adaptation. We take algorithms that traditionally assume access to the source-domain training data—active learning, self-training, and data augmentation—and adapt them for source free domain adaptation. Then we systematically compare these different strategies across multiple tasks and domains. We find that active learning yields consistent gains across all SemEval 2021 Task 10 tasks and domains, but though the shared task saw successful self-trained and data augmented models, our systematic comparison finds these strategies to be unreliable for source-free domain adaptation.
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