Multichannel Generative Language ModelsDownload PDF

25 Sept 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2020 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: we propose Multichannel Generative Language Models (MGLM), which models the joint distribution over multiple channels, and all its decompositions using a single neural network
Abstract: A channel corresponds to a viewpoint or transformation of an underlying meaning. A pair of parallel sentences in English and French express the same underlying meaning but through two separate channels corresponding to their languages. In this work, we present Multichannel Generative Language Models (MGLM), which models the joint distribution over multiple channels, and all its decompositions using a single neural network. MGLM can be trained by feeding it k way parallel-data, bilingual data, or monolingual data across pre-determined channels. MGLM is capable of both conditional generation and unconditional sampling. For conditional generation, the model is given a fully observed channel, and generates the k-1 channels in parallel. In the case of machine translation, this is akin to giving it one source, and the model generates k-1 targets. MGLM can also do partial conditional sampling, where the channels are seeded with prespecified words, and the model is asked to infill the rest. Finally, we can sample from MGLM unconditionally over all k channels. Our experiments on the Multi30K dataset containing English, French, Czech, and German languages suggest that the multitask training with the joint objective leads to improvements in bilingual translations. We provide a quantitative analysis of the quality-diversity trade-offs for different variants of the multichannel model for conditional generation, and a measurement of self-consistency during unconditional generation. We provide qualitative examples for parallel greedy decoding across languages and sampling from the joint distribution of the 4 languages.
Keywords: text generation, generative language models, natural language processing
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