Distributionally Robust Reinforcement LearningDownload PDF

Published: 28 May 2019, Last Modified: 22 Oct 2023RL4RealLife 2019Readers: Everyone
Keywords: approximate reinforcement learning, robustness, risk-averse exploration, regularized policy iteration
Abstract: Real-world applications require RL algorithms to act safely. During learning process, it is likely that the agent executes sub-optimal actions that may lead to unsafe/poor states of the system. Exploration is particularly brittle in high-dimensional state/action space due to increased number of low-performing actions. In this work, we consider risk-averse exploration in approximate RL setting. To ensure safety during learning, we propose the distributionally robust policy iteration scheme that provides tight lower bound guarantee on state-values. Our approach induces a dynamic level of risk to prevent poor decisions and yet preserves the convergence to the optimal policy. Our formulation results in a tractable algorithm that accounts for a simple re-weighting of policy actions in the standard policy iteration scheme. We extend our approach to continuous state/action space and present a practical algorithm, distributionally robust soft actor-critic, that implements a different exploration strategy: it acts conservatively at short-term and it explores optimistically in a long-run. We provide promising experimental results on continuous control tasks.
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 2 code implementations](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/arxiv:1902.08708/code)
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