Linear-Time Gromov Wasserstein Distances using Low Rank Couplings and CostsDownload PDF

21 May 2021 (modified: 08 Sept 2024)NeurIPS 2021 SubmittedReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Optimal Transport, Gromov-Wasserstein, Low-rank methods
TL;DR: We introduce a new approach to solve the GW problem, getting the best of a low rank constraint on the coupling (GW's optimization variable) and a low rank factorization of the cost matrices (GW's data).
Abstract: The ability to compare and align related datasets living in heterogeneous spaces plays an increasingly important role in machine learning. The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) formalism can help tackle this problem. Its main goal is to seek an assignment (more generally a coupling matrix) that can register points across otherwise incomparable datasets. As a non-convex and quadratic generalization of optimal transport (OT), GW is NP-hard. Yet, heuristics are known to work reasonably well in practice, the state of the art approach being to solve a sequence of nested regularized OT problems. While popular, that heuristic remains too costly to scale, with cubic complexity in the number of samples $n$. We show in this paper how a recent variant of the Sinkhorn algorithm can substantially speed up the resolution of GW. That variant restricts the set of admissible couplings to those admitting a low rank factorization as the product of two sub-couplings. By updating alternatively each sub-coupling, our algorithm computes a stationary point of the problem in quadratic time with respect to the number of samples. When cost matrices have themselves low rank, our algorithm has time complexity $\mathcal{O}(n)$. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method on simulated and real data.
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