15 Feb 2018 (modified: 15 Feb 2018)ICLR 2018 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: In this paper, we propose a mix-generator generative adversarial networks (PGAN) model that works in parallel by mixing multiple disjoint generators to approximate a complex real distribution. In our model, we propose an adjustment component that collects all the generated data points from the generators, learns the boundary between each pair of generators, and provides error to separate the support of each of the generated distributions. To overcome the instability in a multiplayer game, a shrinkage adjustment component method is introduced to gradually reduce the boundary between generators during the training procedure. To address the linearly growing training time problem in a multiple generators model, we propose a method to train the generators in parallel. This means that our work can be scaled up to large parallel computation frameworks. We present an efficient loss function for the discriminator, an effective adjustment component, and a suitable generator. We also show how to introduce the decay factor to stabilize the training procedure. We have performed extensive experiments on synthetic datasets, MNIST, and CIFAR-10. These experiments reveal that the error provided by the adjustment component could successfully separate the generated distributions and each of the generators can stably learn a part of the real distribution even if only a few modes are contained in the real distribution.
TL;DR: multi generator to capture Pdata, solve the competition and one-beat-all problem
Keywords: neural networks, generative adversarial networks, parallel
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