Local Binary Pattern Networks for Character RecognitionDownload PDF

27 Sept 2018 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2019 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Memory and computation efficient deep learning architectures are crucial to the continued proliferation of machine learning capabilities to new platforms and systems. Binarization of operations in convolutional neural networks has shown promising results in reducing the model size and computing efficiency. In this paper, we tackle the character recognition problem using a strategy different from the existing literature by proposing local binary pattern networks or LBPNet that can learn and perform bit-wise operations in an end-to-end fashion. LBPNet uses local binary comparisons and random projection in place of conventional convolution (or approximation of convolution) operations, providing important means to improve memory and speed efficiency that is particularly suited for small footprint devices and hardware accelerators. These operations can be implemented efficiently on different platforms including direct hardware implementation. LBPNet demonstrates its particular advantage on the character classification task where the content is composed of strokes. We applied LBPNet to benchmark datasets like MNIST, SVHN, DHCD, ICDAR, and Chars74K and observed encouraging results.
Keywords: deep learning, local binary pattern, supervised learning, hardware-friendly
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