Information Shaping for Enhanced Goal Recognition of Partially-Informed AgentsDownload PDF


18 Mar 2019 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICAPS 2019 Workshop HSDIP Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: We extend goal recognition design by considering a two-agent setting in which one agent, the actor, seeks to achieve a goal but has only partial information about its environment. The second agent, the recognizer, has perfect information and can selectively reveal information to the actor in order to recognize the actor’s goal from its behavior as quickly as possible. The problem of selecting which information to reveal, which we call information shaping, is challenging because the space of information shaping options may be extremely large, and because more information revelation need not make an agent’s goal easier to recognize. We formally define this problem, and suggest a pruning approach for efficiently searching the space of information shaping options. We demonstrate the ability to facilitate recognition via information shaping and the efficiency of the suggested method on a set of standard benchmarks.
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