Leave No Document Behind: Benchmarking Long-Context LLMs with Extended Multi-Doc QA

ACL ARR 2024 June Submission5638 Authors

16 Jun 2024 (modified: 13 Aug 2024)ACL ARR 2024 June SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Long-context modeling capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered widespread attention, leading to the emergence of LLMs with ultra-context windows. Meanwhile, benchmarks for evaluating long-context language models are gradually catching up. However, existing benchmarks employ irrelevant noise texts to artificially extend the length of test cases, diverging from the real-world scenarios of long-context applications. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel long-context benchmark, Loong, aligning with realistic scenarios through extended multi-document question answering (QA). Unlike typical document QA, in Loong's test cases, each document is relevant to the final answer, ignoring any document will lead to the failure of the answer. Furthermore, Loong introduces four types of tasks with a range of context lengths: Spotlight Locating, Comparison, Clustering, and Chain of Reasoning, to facilitate a more realistic and comprehensive evaluation of long-context understanding. Extensive experiments indicate that existing long-context language models still exhibit considerable potential for enhancement. Retrieval augmented generation (RAG) achieves poor performance, demonstrating that Loong can reliably assess the model's long-context modeling capabilities.
Paper Type: Long
Research Area: Resources and Evaluation
Research Area Keywords: Large Language Models, Long-context Evaluation, Retrieval Augmented Generation
Contribution Types: Data resources, Data analysis
Languages Studied: English, Chinese
Submission Number: 5638