Making Small Language Models Better Few-Shot LearnersDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Large-scale language models coupled with prompts have shown remarkable performance on few-shot learning. However, through systematic experiments, we find that the few-shot performance of small language models is poor, and using prompts on them brings fewer improvements than on larger ones. In this paper, we propose \textbf{SMASH}, an approach to improve \textbf{SMA}ll language models' few-\textbf{SH}ot ability by training on intermediate tasks before prompt-based fine-tuning on downstream tasks. We design intermediate tasks for sentence-pair tasks and single-sentence classification tasks by creating training examples with prompt templates similar to downstream tasks using sentences sampled from a large-scale unsupervised corpus, and apply knowledge distillation to distill from outputs of larger pre-trained models as training objective. We conduct extensive experiments and show that SMASH can make a 6-layer DistilRoBRETa-base achieve comparable performance on few-shot datasets to a 12-layer RoBERTa-base at a low cost.
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