Differentiable Canonical Correlation AnalysisDownload PDF

18 Sept 2024 (modified: 21 Jul 2022)Submitted to ICLR 2017Readers: Everyone
Abstract: Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) computes maximally-correlated linear projections of two modalities. We propose Differentiable CCA, a formulation of CCA that can be cast as a layer within a multi-view neural network. Unlike Deep CCA, an earlier extension of CCA to nonlinear projections, our formulation enables gradient flow through the computation of the CCA projection matrices, and free choice of the final optimization target. We show the effectiveness of this approach in cross-modality retrieval experiments on two public image-to-text datasets, surpassing both Deep CCA and a multi-view network with freely-learned projections. We assume that Differentiable CCA could be a useful building block for many multi-modality tasks.
TL;DR: We propose Differentiable CCA a formulation of CCA that enables gradient flow through the computation of the CCA projection matrices.
Keywords: Multi-modal learning
Conflicts: jku.at, ofai.at, scch.at
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