MARINA Meets Matrix Stepsizes: Variance Reduced Distributed Non-Convex Optimization

18 Sept 2023 (modified: 25 Mar 2024)ICLR 2024 Conference Desk Rejected SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: Non-convex optimization, Matrix stepsizes, Federated Learning, Distributed Optimization
TL;DR: We propose a variance reduced matrix step-sized distributed optimization algorithm for non-convex optimization.
Abstract: Matrix-stepsized gradient descent algorithms have been demonstrated to exhibit superior efficiency in non-convex optimization compared to their scalar counterparts. The det-CGD algorithm, as introduced by Li et al. (2023), leverages matrix stepsizes to perform compressed gradient descent for non-convex objectives and matrix-smooth problems in a federated manner. The authors establish the algorithm’s convergence to a neighborhood of the weighted stationarity point under a convex condition for the symmetric and positive-definite stepsize matrix. In this paper, we propose a variance-reduced version of the det-CGD algorithm, incorporating the MARINA method. Notably, we establish theoretically and empirically, that det-MARINA outperforms both MARINA and the distributed det-CGD algorithms in terms of iteration and communication complexities.
Supplementary Material: pdf
Primary Area: optimization
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Submission Number: 1214