Not Everybody Speaks RDF: Knowledge Conversion between Different Data Representations

29 Feb 2024 (modified: 16 Mar 2024)ESWC 2024 Workshop KGCW SubmissionEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Semantic Conversion, Knowledge Graph Construction, Mapping Languages
Abstract: Knowledge representation in RDF guarantees shared semantics and enables interoperability in data exchanges. Various approaches have been proposed for RDF knowledge graph construction, with declarative mapping languages emerging as the most reliable and reproducible solutions. However, not all information systems can understand and process data encoded as RDF. In these scenarios, to guarantee seamless communication there is a need for a further conversion of RDF graphs to one or more target data formats and models. Existing solutions for the declarative lifting of data to RDF are not able to effectively support knowledge conversion towards a generic output. Based on an examination of existing mapping languages and processors for RDF knowledge graph construction, we define a reference workflow supporting a knowledge conversion process between different data representations. The proposed workflow is validated by the mapping-template tool, an open-source implementation based on a popular template engine. The template-based mapping language enables the definition of mappings without requiring prior knowledge of RDF and provides unlimited flexibility for the target output. The tool is evaluated qualitatively, considering common challenges in the declarative specification of mappings, and quantitatively, considering performance and scalability.
Submission Number: 3