RSP4J: Towards an unifying API for RDF Stream ProcessingDownload PDF

15 Mar 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)Submitted to ESWC2021 P&DReaders: Everyone
Keywords: RDF Stream Processing, API, Stream Reasoning
TL;DR: This poster accompanies an accepted resource paper and details RSP4J, an unifying API for RDF Stream Processing.
Abstract: Within the RDF Stream Processing (RSP) community, several languages and engines have been proposed for continuous querying over RDF streams. However, they lack standardization and shared design principles, making comparative research and benchmarking extremely hard. This has led to the design of RSPQL, i.e., a unifying model for RSP. However, an RSP API for the development under RSPQL semantics was still missing. We propose RSP4J, a flexible API for the development of RSP engines and applications under RSPQL semantics. RSP4J will be presented at the ESWC 2021 Resources Track, while this paper also identifies the future plans for RSP4J.
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