Diverse, Difficult, and Odd Instances (D2O): A New Test Set for Object ClassificationDownload PDF

22 Sept 2022 (modified: 14 Oct 2024)ICLR 2023 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: object recognition, deep learning, model evaluation, tagging, generalization, out of distribution generalization
TL;DR: We propose a new test set for object recognition and test a variety of object recognition and tagging models on it. We should that models fails drastically on our test set.
Abstract: Test sets are an integral part of evaluating models and gauging progress in object recognition, and more broadly in computer vision and AI. Existing test sets for object recognition, however, suffer from shortcomings such as bias towards the ImageNet characteristics and idiosyncrasies (e.g. ImageNet-V2), being limited to certain types of stimuli (e.g. indoor scenes in ObjectNet), and underestimating the model performance (e.g. ImageNet-A). To mitigate these problems, here we introduce a new test set, called D2O, which is sufficiently different from existing test sets. Images are diverse, unmodified, and representative of real-world scenarios and cause state-of-the-art models to misclassify them with high confidence. To emphasize generalization, our dataset by design does not come paired with a training set. It contains 8,060 images spread across 36 categories, out of which 29 appear in ImageNet. The best Top-1 accuracy on our dataset is around 60% which is much lower than 91% best Top-1 accuracy on ImageNet. We find that popular vision APIs perform very poorly in detecting objects over D2O categories such as “faces”, “cars”, and “cats”. Our dataset also comes with a “miscellaneous” category, over which we test the image tagging algorithms. Overall, our investigations demonstrate that the D2O test set has the right level of difficulty and is predictive of the average-case performance of models. It can challenge object recognition models for years to come and can spur more research in this fundamental area. Data and code are publicly available at [Masked].
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Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 3 code implementations](https://www.catalyzex.com/paper/diverse-difficult-and-odd-instances-a-new/code)
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