Convergence of Distributed Adaptive Optimization with Local Updates

Published: 11 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 10 Nov 2024M3L PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: distributed optimization; Adam; theoretical benefits of local updates
TL;DR: first provable benefits of distributed Adam with local updates compared to minibatch baseline
Abstract: We study distributed adaptive algorithms with local updates (intermittent communication). Despite the great empirical success of adaptive methods in distributed training of modern machine learning models, the theoretical benefits of local updates within adaptive methods, particularly in terms of reducing communication complexity, have not been fully understood yet. In this paper, we prove that \em Local SGD \em with momentum (\em Local \em SGDM) and \em Local \em Adam can outperform their minibatch counterparts in convex and weakly convex settings, respectively. Our analysis relies on a novel technique to prove contraction during local iterations, which is a crucial yet challenging step to show the advantages of local updates, under generalized smoothness assumption and gradient clipping strategy.
Is Neurips Submission: No
Submission Number: 64