Diffusion Posterior Sampling is Computationally Intractable

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Diffusion models are a remarkably effective way of learning and sampling from a distribution $p(x)$. In posterior sampling, one is also given a measurement model $p(y \mid x)$ and a measurement $y$, and would like to sample from $p(x \mid y)$. Posterior sampling is useful for tasks such as inpainting, super-resolution, and MRI reconstruction, so a number of recent works have given algorithms to heuristically approximate it; but none are known to converge to the correct distribution in polynomial time. In this paper we show that posterior sampling is *computationally intractable*: under the most basic assumption in cryptography---that one-way functions exist---there are instances for which *every* algorithm takes superpolynomial time, even though *unconditional* sampling is provably fast. We also show that the exponential-time rejection sampling algorithm is essentially optimal under the stronger plausible assumption that there are one-way functions that take exponential time to invert.
Submission Number: 7889