Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance on code generation tasks. A recent application of LLMs for code generation is iterative code repair, where a model fixes an incorrect program by rationalizing about errors and generating new code. However, code repair is primarily studied on high-resource languages like Python, and the framework's efficacy is under-explored on low-resource languages. To study code repair for low-resource languages, we propose Distilling Low-Resource Repairs (DistiLRR), an approach that transfers the reasoning and code generation ability from a teacher model to a student model. Our results show that DistiLRR consistently outperforms baselines on low-resource languages, but has similar performance on high-resource languages. To investigate this behavior, we perform a further analysis and find that the correlation between rationale quality and code correctness is weaker than previously perceived. We hypothesize this weakness is magnified in low-resource settings where base models lack deep knowledge of a programming language, leading to wavering benefits of code repair between high-resource and low-resource languages.
Paper Type: Long
Research Area: Efficient/Low-Resource Methods for NLP
Research Area Keywords: Efficient/Low-Resource Methods for NLP, NLP Applications
Contribution Types: NLP engineering experiment, Approaches to low-resource settings
Languages Studied: English
Submission Number: 3216