Do Language Models Have Beliefs? Methods for Detecting, Updating, and Visualizing Model BeliefsDownload PDF


16 Jan 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 January Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Do language models have beliefs about the world? Dennett (1995) famously argues that even thermostats have beliefs, on the view that a belief is simply an informational state decoupled from any motivational state. In this paper, we discuss approaches to detecting when models have beliefs about the world, updating model beliefs, and visualizing beliefs graphically. Our main contributions include: (1) new metrics for evaluating belief-updating methods focusing on the logical consistency of beliefs, (2) a training objective for Sequential, Local, and Generalizing updates (SLAG) that improves the performance of learned optimizers for updating beliefs, and (3) the introduction of the belief graph, a new form of interface with language models showing the interdependencies between model beliefs. Our experiments suggest that models possess belief-like qualities to only a limited extent, but update methods can both fix incorrect model beliefs and greatly improve their consistency. Although off-the-shelf optimizers are surprisingly strong belief-updating baselines, our learned optimizers can outperform them in more difficult settings than have been considered in past work.
Paper Type: long
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