Efficient, Stable, and Analytic Differentiation of the Sinkhorn LossDownload PDF

Published: 01 Feb 2023, Last Modified: 13 Feb 2023Submitted to ICLR 2023Readers: Everyone
Keywords: Optimal transport, Wasserstein distance, Sinkhorn loss, differentiable optimization, deep generative model
TL;DR: We have derived an analytic solution coupled with a stable and efficient algorithm for the differentiation of the Sinkhorn loss, as an approximation to the Wasserstein distance for optimal transport problems.
Abstract: Optimal transport and the Wasserstein distance have become indispensable building blocks of modern deep generative models, but their computional costs greatly prohibit their applications in statistical machine learning models. Recently, the Sinkhorn loss, as an approximation to the Wasserstein distance, has gained massive popularity, and much work has been done for its theoretical properties. To embed the Sinkhorn loss into gradient-based learning frameworks, efficient algorithms for both the forward and backward passes of the Sinkhorn loss are required. In this article, we first demonstrate issues of the widely-used Sinkhorn's algorithm, and show that the L-BFGS algorithm is a potentially better candidate for the forward pass. Then we derive an analytic form of the derivative of the Sinkhorn loss with respect to the input cost matrix, which results in a very efficient backward algorithm. We rigorously analyze the convergence and stability properties of the advocated algorithms, and use various numerical experiments to validate the superior performance of the proposed methods.
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