Linear Convergence and Implicit Regularization of Generalized Mirror Descent with Time-Dependent MirrorsDownload PDF

28 Sept 2020 (modified: 05 May 2023)ICLR 2021 Conference Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Generalized Mirror Descent, Linear Convergence, Implicit Regularization
Abstract: The following questions are fundamental to understanding the properties of over-parameterization in modern machine learning: (1) Under what conditions and at what rate does training converge to a global minimum? (2) What form of implicit regularization occurs through training? While significant progress has been made in answering both of these questions for gradient descent, they have yet to be answered more completely for general optimization methods. In this work, we establish sufficient conditions for linear convergence and obtain approximate implicit regularization results for generalized mirror descent (GMD), a generalization of mirror descent with a possibly time-dependent mirror. GMD subsumes popular first order optimization methods including gradient descent, mirror descent, and preconditioned gradient descent methods such as Adagrad. By using the Polyak-Lojasiewicz inequality, we first present a simple analysis under which non-stochastic GMD converges linearly to a global minimum. We then present a novel, Taylor-series based analysis to establish sufficient conditions for linear convergence of stochastic GMD. As a corollary, our result establishes sufficient conditions and provides learning rates for linear convergence of stochastic mirror descent and Adagrad. Lastly, we obtain approximate implicit regularization results for GMD by proving that GMD converges to an interpolating solution that is approximately the closest interpolating solution to the initialization in l2-norm in the dual space, thereby generalizing the result of Azizan, Lale, and Hassibi (2019) in the full batch setting.
One-sentence Summary: We provide sufficient conditions for linear convergence and establish approximate implicit regularization results for generalized mirror descent.
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