Can We Solve 3D Vision Tasks Starting from A 2D Vision Transformer?

TMLR Paper678 Authors

09 Dec 2022 (modified: 27 Mar 2023)Rejected by TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have proven to be effective, in solving 2D image understanding tasks by training over large-scale image datasets; and meanwhile as a somehow separate track, in modeling the 3D visual world too such as voxels or point clouds. However, with the growing hope that transformers can become the ``universal'' modeling tool for heterogeneous data, ViTs for 2D and 3D tasks have so far adopted vastly different architecture designs that are hardly transferable. That invites an (over-)ambitious question: can we close the gap between the 2D and 3D ViT architectures? As a piloting study, this paper demonstrates the appealing promise to understand the 3D visual world, using a standard 2D ViT architecture, with only minimal customization at the input and output levels without redesigning the pipeline. To build a 3D ViT from its 2D sibling, we ``inflate'' the patch embedding and token sequence, accompanied with new positional encoding mechanisms designed to match the 3D data geometry. The resultant ``minimalist'' 3D ViT, named \textbf{Simple3D-Former}, performs surprisingly robustly on popular 3D tasks such as object classification, point cloud segmentation and indoor scene detection, compared to highly customized 3D-specific designs. It can hence act as a strong baseline for new 3D ViTs. Moreover, we note that pursuing a unified 2D-3D ViT design has practical relevance besides just scientific curiosity. Specifically, we demonstrate that Simple3D-Former naturally is able to exploit the wealth of pre-trained weights from large-scale realistic 2D images (e.g., ImageNet), which can be plugged into enhancing the 3D task performance ``for free''.
Submission Length: Regular submission (no more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Jia-Bin_Huang1
Submission Number: 678