Position: $C^*$-Algebraic Machine Learning $-$ Moving in a New Direction

Published: 02 May 2024, Last Modified: 25 Jun 2024ICML 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Abstract: Machine learning has a long collaborative tradition with several fields of mathematics, such as statistics, probability and linear algebra. We propose a new direction for machine learning research: $C^*$-algebraic ML $-$ a cross-fertilization between $C^*$-algebra and machine learning. The mathematical concept of $C^*$-algebra is a natural generalization of the space of complex numbers. It enables us to unify existing learning strategies, and construct a new framework for more diverse and information-rich data models. We explain why and how to use $C^*$-algebras in machine learning, and provide technical considerations that go into the design of $C^*$-algebraic learning models in the contexts of kernel methods and neural networks. Furthermore, we discuss open questions and challenges in $C^*$-algebraic ML and give our thoughts for future development and applications.
Submission Number: 1208