DeepZensols: A Deep Learning Natural Language Processing Framework for Experimentation and Reproducibility

Published: 09 Oct 2023, Last Modified: 25 Oct 2023NLP-OSS 2023EveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Keywords: nlp, framework
TL;DR: A framework that allows for little to no programming to quickly prototype NLP models efficiently and quickly.
Abstract: Given the criticality and difficulty of reproducing machine learning experiments, there have been significant efforts in reducing the variance of these results. The ability to consistently reproduce results effectively strengthens the underlying hypothesis of the work and should be regarded as important as the novel aspect of the research itself. The contribution of this work is an open source framework that has the following characteristics: a) facilitates reproducing consistent results, b) allows hot-swapping features and embeddings without further processing and re-vectorizing the dataset, c) provides a means of easily creating, training and evaluating natural language processing deep learning models with little to no code changes, and d) is freely available to the community.
Submission Number: 24