RepAL: A Simple and Plug-and-play Method for Improving Unsupervised Sentence RepresentationsDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: Unsupervised sentence representation learning is a fundamental problem in natural language processing and has been studied extensively in recent years. This paper presents Representation ALchemy (RepAL), an extremely simple post-processing method that enhances unsupervised sentence representations. The basic idea in RepAL is to extract redundant information from the representation of a sentence generated by the existing models and then refine the representation through an embedding refinement operation to filter such redundant information. In this paper, we analyze the redundant information from two levels: sentence-level and corpus-level, and the theoretical analysis for the latter is also conducted. We point out that RepAL is free of training and is a plug-and-play method that can be combined with most existing unsupervised sentence learning models. Extensive experiments demonstrate RepAL’s effectiveness and show that RepAL is a model-agnostic method for unsupervised sentence embedding enhancement. Besides, we also designed detailed ablation studies to understand why RepAL works and provided in-depth analysis and understanding of the redundant information.
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