Weakly Supervised Medical Entity Extraction and Linking for Chief ComplaintsDownload PDF


16 Nov 2021 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2021 November Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Abstract: A Chief complaint (CC) is the reason for the medical visit as stated in the patient's own words. It helps medical professionals to quickly understand a patient's situation, and also serves as a short summary for medical text mining. However, chief complaint records often take a variety of entering methods, resulting in a wide variation of medical notations, which makes it difficult to standardize across different medical institutions for record keeping or text mining. In this study, we propose a weakly supervised method to automatically extract and link entities in chief complaints in the absence of human annotation. We first adopt a split-and-match algorithm to produce weak annotations, including entity mention spans and class labels, on 1.2 million real-world de-identified and IRB approved chief complaint records. Then we train a BERT-based model with generated weak labels to locate entity mentions in chief complaint text and link them to a pre-defined ontology. We conducted extensive experiments and the results showed that our Weakly Supervised Entity Extraction and Linking (WeSEEL) method produced superior performance over previous methods without any human annotation.
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