Improving Sentiment Classification Using 0-Shot Generated Labels for Custom Transformer EmbeddingsDownload PDF

29 Sept 2021 (modified: 13 Feb 2023)ICLR 2022 Conference Withdrawn SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Sentiment Classification, Transformer, Natural Language Processing
Abstract: We present an approach to improve sentiment classification for transformers (based on BERT and DistilBERT) using additional embeddings to represent emotion inputs. We used HuggingFace's 0-shot prediction pipeline to generate probabilities of whether emotions apply to a given sample. We generated 0-shot probabilities for 1.6 million samples from a sentiment classification dataset and a smaller sentiment airline dataset using 63 emotions. Then we added custom tokens to BERT's embeddings and tokenizers representing various levels of emotion for each predicted emotion. Finally, depending on the probability of each emotion, the respective custom token representing that level was prepended to the text input of the model to process and train for classification. We additionally test direct classification layer addition of emotion inputs and an ensemble of BERT and DistilBERT models both using emotion inputs achieving a modest increase in sentiment prediction accuracy. Our results show modest improvement in all cases over the original model for both BERT and DistilBERT tested with added emotion inputs generated from 0-shot pretrained models.
One-sentence Summary: We generate tabular emotion features using a 0-shot model and input them as embeddings to pretrained transformers such as BERT to improve sentiment classification tasks.
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