SWGA: A Distributed Hyperparameter Search Method for Time Series Prediction Models

27 Sept 2024 (modified: 05 Feb 2025)Submitted to ICLR 2025EveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Time Series Prediction, Hyperparameter Search, Genetic Algorithms
Abstract: We propose a distributed hyperparameter search method for time series prediction models named SWGA (Sliding Window Genetic Algorithm). Compared to current genetic algorithms for hyperparameter search, our method has three major advantages: (i) It adopts a configurable sliding window mechanism to effectively combat overfitting from distribution shifts inherent in time series data. (ii) It introduces a warm-up stage using Bayesian optimization-based methods to generate a good initial population. (iii) It supports distributed hyperparameter search across multi-node computing clusters, enhancing both scalability and efficiency. To demonstrate SWGA's efficacy, we conduct hyperparameter search experiments on time series datasets from various domains. The experiment results show that our method consistently finds a hyperparameter configuration that achieves better performance on out-of-sample time series data compared to the traditional genetic algorithm. On average, it reduces the out-of-sample loss by about 56.1%.
Primary Area: learning on time series and dynamical systems
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Submission Number: 12331