In-Context Ensemble Learning from Pseudo Labels Improves Video-Language Models in Low-Level Workflow Understanding
Track: Short Paper Track (up to 3 pages)
Keywords: video-language model, in-context learning, ensemble learning, SOP, pseudo-labels, temporal.
TL;DR: We propose a multimodal in-context ensemble learning with pseudo labels for better step-by-step, low-level video understanding.
Abstract: A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) defines a step-by-step written guide for a business software workflow. SOP generation is a crucial step towards automating end-to-end software workflows. Manually creating SOPs can be time-consuming. Recent advancements in large video-language models offer the potential for automating SOP generation by analyzing recordings of human demonstrations. However, current large video-language models face challenges with zero-shot SOP generation. In this work, we first explore in-context learning with video-language models for SOP generation. We then propose In-Context Ensemble Learning, to aggregate pseudo labels of SOPs. The proposed in-context ensemble learning increases test-time compute and enables the models to learn beyond its context window limit with an implicit consistency regularisation. We report that in-context learning helps video-language models to generate more temporally accurate SOPs, and the proposed in-context ensemble learning can consistently enhance the capabilities of the video-language models in SOP generation.
Submission Number: 32