Beyond Vectors: Subspace Representations for Embedding Set OperationsDownload PDF


16 Dec 2023ACL ARR 2023 December Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
TL;DR: TL;DR: We propose a quantum logic-inspired subspace approach in NLP to enhance embedding expressiveness.
Abstract: In natural language processing (NLP), the role of embeddings in representing linguistic semantics is crucial. Despite the prevalence of vector representations in embedding sets, they exhibit limitations in expressiveness and lack comprehensive set operations. To address this, we attempt to formulate and apply sets and their operations within pre-trained embedding spaces. Inspired by quantum logic, we propose to go beyond the conventional vector set representation with our novel subspace-based approach. This methodology constructs subspaces using pre-trained embedding sets, effectively preserving semantic nuances previously overlooked, and consequently consistently improving performance in downstream tasks.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: Machine Learning for NLP
Contribution Types: NLP engineering experiment
Languages Studied: english
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