On Provable Length and Compositional Generalization

Published: 18 Jun 2024, Last Modified: 17 Jul 2024TF2M 2024 PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: sequence-to-sequence models, length generalization, compositional generalization, out-of-distribution generalization
TL;DR: We give first provable guarantees on length and compositional generalization for a range of limited capacity architectures -- deep sets, transformers, SSMs, RNNs.
Abstract: Out-of-distribution generalization capabilities of sequence-to-sequence models can be studied from the lens of two crucial forms of generalization: length generalization -- the ability to generalize to longer sequences than ones seen during training, and compositional generalization: the ability to generalize to token combinations not seen during training. In this work, we provide first provable guarantees on length and compositional generalization for common sequence-to-sequence models -- deep sets, transformers, state space models, and recurrent neural nets -- trained to minimize the prediction error. Taking a first principles perspective, we study the realizable case, i.e., the labeling function is realizable on the architecture. We show that limited capacity versions of these different architectures achieve both length and compositional generalization. Across different architectures, we also find that a linear relationship between the learned representation and the representation in the labeling function is necessary for length and compositional generalization.
Submission Number: 50