Zero-Order One-Point Estimate with Distributed Stochastic Gradient-Tracking Technique

TMLR Paper2328 Authors

04 Mar 2024 (modified: 16 Mar 2024)Under review for TMLREveryoneRevisionsBibTeX
Abstract: In this work, we consider a distributed multi-agent stochastic optimization problem, where each agent holds a local objective function that is smooth and convex and that is subject to a stochastic process. The goal is for all agents to collaborate to find a common solution that optimizes the sum of these local functions. With the practical assumption that agents can only obtain noisy numerical function queries at precisely one point at a time, we extend the distributed stochastic gradient-tracking method to the bandit setting where we do not have an estimate of the gradient, and we introduce a zero-order (ZO) one-point estimate (1P-DSGT). We analyze the convergence of this novel technique for smooth and convex objectives using stochastic approximation tools, and we prove that it \textit{converges almost surely to the optimum} despite the biasedness of our gradient estimate. We then study the convergence rate for when the objectives are additionally strongly convex. With constant step sizes, our method competes with its first-order (FO) counterparts by achieving a linear rate $O(\varrho^k)$ as a function of number of iterations $k$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that proves this rate in the noisy estimation setting or with one-point estimators. With vanishing step sizes, we establish a rate of $O(\frac{1}{\sqrt{k}})$ after a sufficient number of iterations $k > K_2$. This is the optimal rate proven in the literature for centralized techniques utilizing one-point estimators. We then provide a regret bound of $O(\sqrt{k})$ with vanishing step sizes. We further illustrate the usefulness of the proposed technique using numerical experiments.
Submission Length: Long submission (more than 12 pages of main content)
Assigned Action Editor: ~Yunwen_Lei1
Submission Number: 2328