TwHIN-BERT: A Socially-Enriched Pre-trained Language Model for Multilingual Tweet RepresentationsDownload PDF


16 Oct 2022 (modified: 05 May 2023)ACL ARR 2022 October Blind SubmissionReaders: Everyone
Keywords: BERT, Twitter, Tweet, Embedding, Language Model, Transformer
Abstract: We present TwHIN-BERT, a multilingual language model trained on in-domain data from the popular social network Twitter. TwHIN-BERT differs from prior pre-trained language models as it is trained with not only text-based self-supervision, but also with a social objective based on the rich social engagements within a Twitter heterogeneous information network (TwHIN).Our model is trained on $7$ billion tweets covering over $100$ distinct languages providing a valuable representation to model short, noisy, user-generated text. We evaluate our model on a variety of multilingual social recommendation and semantic understanding tasks and demonstrate significant metric improvement over established pre-trained language models. We will freely open-source TwHIN-BERT and our curated hashtag prediction and social engagement benchmark datasets to the research community.
Paper Type: long
Research Area: Machine Learning for NLP
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