Teaching Robots with Show and Tell: Using Foundation Models to Synthesize Robot Policies from Language and Visual Demonstration
Keywords: learning from demonstration, language model planning, neuro-symbolic reasoning
Abstract: We introduce a modular, neuro-symbolic framework for teaching robots new skills through language and visual demonstration. Our approach, ShowTell, composes a mixture of foundation models to synthesize robot manipulation programs that are easy to interpret and generalize across a wide range of tasks and environments. ShowTell is designed to handle complex demonstrations involving high level logic such as loops and conditionals while being intuitive and natural for end-users. We validate this approach through a series of real-world robot experiments, showing that ShowTell out-performs a state-of-the-art baseline based on GPT4-V, on a variety of tasks, and that it is able to generalize to unseen environments and within category objects.
Spotlight Video: mp4
Website: https://robo-showtell.github.io
Publication Agreement: pdf
Student Paper: yes
Submission Number: 367