Keywords: AirExo, In-the-Wild Learning, Data Collection
Abstract: While humans can use parts of their arms other than the hands for manipulations like gathering and supporting, whether robots can effectively learn and perform the same type of operations remains relatively unexplored. As these manipulations require joint-level control to regulate the complete poses of the robots, we develop AirExo, a low-cost, adaptable, and portable dual-arm exoskeleton, for teleoperation and demonstration collection. As collecting teleoperated data is expensive and time-consuming, we further leverage AirExo to collect cheap in-the-wild demonstrations at scale. Under our in-the-wild learning framework, we show that with only 3 minutes of the teleoperated demonstrations, augmented by diverse and extensive in-the-wild data collected by AirExo, robots can learn a policy that is comparable to or even better than one learned from teleoperated demonstrations lasting over 20 minutes. Experiments demonstrate that our approach enables the model to learn a more general and robust policy across the various stages of the task, enhancing the success rates in task completion even with the presence of disturbances.
Submission Number: 30