Keywords: reinforcement learning; foundation model; humanoid
TL;DR: We present a novel unsupervised reinforcement learning algorithm that leverages unlabeled behavior data to create a foundation model for controlling a humanoid agent in a zero-shot fashion.
Abstract: Unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) aims at pre-training models that can solve a wide range of downstream tasks in complex environments. Despite recent advancements, existing approaches suffer from several limitations: they may require running an RL process on each task to achieve a satisfactory performance, they may need access to datasets with good coverage or well-curated task-specific samples, or they may pre-train policies with unsupervised losses that are poorly correlated with the downstream tasks of interest. In this paper, we introduce FB-CPR, which regularizes unsupervised zero-shot RL based on the forward-backward (FB) method towards imitating trajectories from unlabeled behaviors. The resulting models learn \emph{useful} policies imitating the behaviors in the dataset, while retaining zero-shot generalization capabilities. We demonstrate the effectiveness of FB-CPR in a challenging humanoid control problem. Training FB-CPR online with observation-only motion capture datasets, we obtain the first humanoid behavioral foundation model that can be prompted to solve a variety of whole-body tasks, including motion tracking, goal reaching, and reward optimization. The resulting model is capable of expressing human-like behaviors and it achieves competitive performance with task-specific methods while outperforming state-of-the-art unsupervised RL and model-based baselines.
Submission Number: 39