Human-Agent Joint Learning for Efficient Robot Manipulation Skill Acquisition

Published: 26 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 10 Nov 2024LFDMEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: AI based method, Deep Learning in Grasping and Manipulation, Human-robot collaboration
TL;DR: A collaborative system enables joint learning between humans and robots by allowing shared control with an AI assistant. It streamlines the process by simultaneously collecting human demonstrations and training the robot for manipulation tasks.
Abstract: Employing a teleoperation system for gathering demonstrations offers the potential for more efficient learning of robot manipulation. However, teleoperating a robot arm equipped with a dexterous hand or gripper, via a teleoperation system presents inherent challenges due to the task's high dimensionality, complexity of motion, and differences between physiological structures. In this study, we introduce a novel system for joint learning between human operators and robots, that enables human operators to share control of a robot end-effector with a learned assistive agent, simplifies the data collection process, and facilitates simultaneous human demonstration collection and robot manipulation training. As data accumulates, the assistive agent gradually learns. Consequently, less human effort and attention are required, enhancing the efficiency of the data collection process. It also allows the human operator to adjust the control ratio to achieve a trade-off between manual and automated control. Through user studies and quantitative evaluations, it is evident that the proposed system could enhance data collection efficiency and reduce the need for human adaptation while ensuring the collected data is of sufficient quality for downstream tasks.
Supplementary Material: zip
Spotlight Video: mp4
Submission Number: 14