StructDiffusion: Object-Centric Diffusion for Semantic Rearrangement of Novel ObjectsDownload PDF

Published: 15 Nov 2022, Last Modified: 03 Jul 2024LangRob 2022 PosterReaders: Everyone
Keywords: Language-Conditioned Manipulation, Rearrangement, Diffusion Model
TL;DR: We propose StructDiffusion, which combines a diffusion model and an object-centric transformer to construct structures out of a single RGB-D image based on high-level language goals, such as "set the table".
Abstract: Robots operating in human environments must be able to rearrange objects into semantically-meaningful configurations, even if these objects are previously unseen. In this work, we focus on the problem of building physically-valid structures without step-by-step instructions. We propose StructDiffusion, which combines a diffusion model and an object-centric transformer to construct structures out of a single RGB-D image based on high-level language goals, such as "set the table". Our method shows how diffusion models can be used for complex multi-step 3D planning tasks. StructDiffusion improves success rate on assembling physically-valid structures out of unseen objects by on average 16% over an existing multi-modal transformer model, while allowing us to use one multi-task model to produce a wider range of different structures. We show experiments on held-out objects in both simulation and on real-world rearrangement tasks.
Community Implementations: [![CatalyzeX](/images/catalyzex_icon.svg) 1 code implementation](
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