Robust Depth-Aided Segmentation for Drivable Region Detection in Challenging Environments

Published: 16 Jul 2024, Last Modified: 16 Jul 2024ICRA 2024 Off-road Autonomy Workshop PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: Drivable regions, RGB-D data, Semantic segmentation, SegFormer architecture, Depth-based refinement, Edge computing devices, Complex terrains, Real-time detection
TL;DR: This paper proposes a method using RGB-D data to detect drivable areas in challenging terrains, enhancing accuracy with SegFormer architecture and depth-based refinement for real-world reliability, achieving precise results on edge devices.
Abstract: This paper proposes a method for detecting drivable regions in challenging terrains using RGB-D data. By integrating depth information with semantic segmentation, our approach significantly improves detection accuracy across diverse landscapes. Leveraging the SegFormer architecture, we effectively distinguish drivable from non-drivable areas. Additionally, we introduce a depth-based refinement mechanism to ensure reliable performance in real-world scenarios. Extensive evaluation in both off-road and on-road environments confirms the effectiveness of our approach. Using the SA-1B dataset with grounded SAM, our method achieves precise delineation of road classes during training. Overall, this work advances autonomous navigation systems by providing a comprehensive solution for drivable region detection in complex terrains in real time, even on edge computing devices.
Submission Number: 11