Keywords: Teleoperation, Hardware Device, Imitation Learning
TL;DR: We present GELLO, an intuitive and low cost teleoperation device for robot arms that costs less than $300, which allow for the collection of high fidelity demonstration data.
Abstract: Imitation learning from human demonstrations is a powerful framework to teach robots new skills. However, the performance of the learned policies is bottlenecked by the quality, scale, and variety of the demonstration data. In this paper, we aim to lower the barrier to collecting large and high-quality human demonstration data by proposing GELLO, a general framework for building low-cost and intuitive teleoperation systems for robotic manipulation. Given a target robot arm, we build a GELLO controller that has the same kinematic structure as the target arm, leveraging 3D-printed parts and off-the-shelf motors. GELLO is easy to build and intuitive to use. Through an extensive user study, we show that GELLO enables more reliable and efficient demonstration collection compared to commonly used teleoperation devices in the imitation learning literature such as VR controllers and 3D spacemouses. We further demonstrate the capabilities of GELLO for performing complex bi-manual and contact-rich manipulation tasks. To make GELLO accessible to everyone, we have designed and built GELLO systems for 3 commonly used robotic arms: Franka, UR5, and xArm. All software and hardware will be open-sourced.
Submission Number: 26