Evolving Control: Evolved High Frequency Control for Continuous Control Tasks

Published: 22 Oct 2024, Last Modified: 06 Nov 2024CoRL 2024 Workshop SAFE-ROL PosterEveryoneRevisionsBibTeXCC BY 4.0
Keywords: High-frequency Control, Control, Safety
Abstract: High-frequency control in continuous action and state spaces is essential for practical applications in the physical world. Directly learning end-to-end high-frequency control struggles with assigning credit to actions across long temporal horizons, compounded by the difficulty of efficient exploration. The alternative, learning low-frequency policies that guide higher-frequency controllers (e.g., proportional-derivative (PD) controllers), can result in a limited total expressiveness of the combined control system, hindering overall performance. We introduce *EvoControl*, a novel bi-level policy learning framework for learning both a slow high-level policy (using PPO) and a fast low-level policy (using Neuroevolution) for solving continuous control tasks. Learning with Neuroevolution for the lower-policy allows robust learning for long horizons that crucially arise when operating at higher frequencies. This enables *EvoControl* to learn to control interactions at high frequency, benefitting from more efficient exploration and credit assignment than direct high-frequency torque control without the need to hand-tune PD parameters. We empirically demonstrate that *EvoControl* can achieve a higher evaluation reward for continuous-control tasks compared to existing approaches, specifically excelling in tasks where high-frequency control is needed, such as those requiring safety-critical fast reactions.
Submission Number: 29